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1. 3月份「數學小精英」的成績已經加至排行榜中,答案亦已同時於「旅程紀錄」中公佈,請同學查閱。 The results of March’s "Math Genius" have been added to the Chart. The answers have been announced in "Record". Please refer to the page for details. 2. 4月份「數學小精英」快將開放。凡於3月份的「每日挑戰」及「鞏固練習」共取得滿分90%(即7560分)的同學,可於5/4(六)至15/4(二)期間從主頁的「數學小精英」按鈕進入練習。詳情請參閱「數學小精英」內的「注意事項」。 April’s “Math Genius” will be open soon. Students who score 90% (7560 points) or above in March through “Daily Challenge” and “Revision Exercise” can enter “Math Genius” through the home page from 5/4 (Sat) to 15/4 (Tue). Please refer to “Points to Note” in the “Math Genius” page for more details. 3. 同學如同時報讀了「數學8寶箱」及「常識8寶箱」課程,可於登入後按左下方的「常識8寶箱」按鈕直接進入「常識8寶箱」網站。 If you have enrolled in both Math8 and GS8 courses, you may click on the GS8 button at the bottom left corner to log in to the website directly. 4.「香港小學全能挑戰賽」模擬比賽將於7/4(一)下午4時開始,歡迎同學踴躍參加,挑戰自我。(詳情請瀏覽比賽網站) "Primary All-Round Contest" will start on 7/4(Mon) at 4:00p.m.. All students are welcome to participate and challenge yourself. (Please refer to the activity website for more details) 5. 如家長或同學有任何查詢,歡迎致電2310 1343與我們聯絡。 If you have any enquiries, please contact us on 2310 1343. |