What can I do if I forget the password?
If you forget your password or you are unable to login with your password, we can help you reset a new password. Please click “Forgot Password” on the home page, fill in the information and submit to us. After we have confirmed your information, we will send the new password to your email box as soon as possible.
Why is my password invalid?
The most common reasons are the followings:
- The upper case and the lower case of the characters may not match with that of your password. Please ensure the “Caps Lock” key on your keyboard is not available.
密碼大小寫不符。請確定鍵盤上的「Caps Lock」鍵沒有被按下;
- The symbol and the space are wrongly entered. Please ensure the symbols of your password are typed in correctly or check if there are extra spaces.
- The date and time setting in your computer are not correct. Please ensure the date and time of the computer is set as the correct time of Hong Kong.
I am still not able to login after I have already keyed in the proper user ID and password, and a message saying "The page cannot be displayed." is shown. Why?
It is because you have not clear the old files in your computer.
Solutions: Clear Temporary Internet Files
1. | If you are using the version of browser Internet Explorer 5.x – 6.x: 如果你的瀏覽器(Internet Explorer)是5.x-6.x的版本︰ |
a. | Open the Internet Explorer browser; 開啟瀏覽器(Internet Explorer); |
b. | Click the option “Internet” on the “Tools” menu; 點選「工具」中的「Internet」選項; |
c. | Press the “Delete Files” button; 再點選「刪除檔案」按鈕; |
d. | Click “Delete All Offline Content” in the new dialog box; 在新對話視窗內點選「刪除所有離線內容」; |
e. | Press the “Confirm” button and re-enter the website. 再按「確定」及重新進入網站。 |
2. | If you are using the version of browser Internet Explorer 7: 如果你的瀏覽器(Internet Explorer)是7版本︰ |
a. | Open the Internet Explorer browser; 開啟瀏覽器(Internet Explorer); |
b. | Select “Delete Browsing History” on the “Tools” menu; 點選「工具」中的「刪除瀏覽歷程記錄」; |
c. | Press the “Delete all” button; 再按「全部刪除」按鈕; |
d. | Please put a tick on the box beside “Also delete files and settings stored by add-ons”, then press “Yes”; 請於「也刪除附加元件所儲存的檔案及設定」加上剔號,然後按「是」; |
e. | The system will delete the files automatically; |
f. | Then please restart the browser and re-enter the website. 然後重新啟動瀏覽器及重新進入網站。 |
Can I change the personal information?
Sure! You just need to click the “Personal Information” button on the home page to set and amend your personal information.
Why am I unable to see the pictures or animation?
1. | You are not able to view the pictures or animation on the website because the Flash Player is not properly installed or it is not the most updated version. 未能顯示網站圖片或動畫的原因,主要是由於Flash Player仍未妥善裝置,或不是最新版本。 Solutions: 解決方法︰ Please go to the website of Adobe Flash Player Download Centre to download the relevant program software. If you want to install it now, please click Adobe Flash Player and complete the installation according to the following procedures. 到Adobe Flash Player Download Centre下載並安裝有關程式軟件。若現在要安裝,可點選Adobe Flash Player,並按以下程序完成安裝。 Installation procedures: 安裝程序︰ |

2. | The computer memory is insufficient. Please check the memory of your computer by the following means: 電腦記憶體不足。請檢查電腦的記憶體,方法如下圖︰ |

When entering the exercise area, I get a message "You are not authorized to view this page"?
It is because the security setting of your Internet Explorer is too high.
1. | If you are using the version of browser Internet Explorer 5.x – 6.x: 如果你的瀏覽器(Internet Explorer)是5.x-6.x的版本︰ |
a. | Open the Internet Explorer browser; 開啟瀏覽器(Internet Explorer); |
b. | Click the option “Internet” on the “Tools” menu; 點選「工具」中的「網際網路選項」; |
c. | Choose the “Security” tab; 點選「安全性」; |
d. | Choose the “Medium Level Security” setting and then press the Default Level button. 選擇「中安全性」設定,並點選「預設層級」按鈕; |
e. | Click the Advance tab, then choose the “Reset to the Defaults” button. 再點選「進階」一項,並選擇「還原成預設值」按鈕; |
f. | Press the “Confirm” button and restart the browser. 按「確定」後再重新開啟瀏覽器。 |
2. | 如果你的瀏覽器(Internet Explorer)是7版本︰ If you are using the version of browser Internet Explorer 7: |
a. | Open the Internet Explorer browser; 開啟瀏覽器(Internet Explorer); |
b. | Click the option “Internet” on the “Tools” menu; 點選「工具」中的「網際網路選項」; |
c. | Choose the “Security” tab; 點選「安全性」; |
d. | Choose the “Medium Level Security” setting and then press the “Default Level” button. 選擇「中安全性」設定,並點選「預設層級」或「預設等級」按鈕; |
e. | Click the Advance tab, then choose the “Reset to the Defaults” button. 再點選「進階」一項,並選擇「還原成預設值」或「還原成進階預設值」按鈕; |
f. | Press the “Confirm” button and restart the browser. 按「確定」後再重新開啟瀏覽器。 |