



**You will be able to log in to the website starting from 21/10 (Mon) at 4 pm**


1. 「數學8寶箱」的網站試用期已於10月21日完結,網站亦已於10月21日早上為同學清除了試用期的分數及練習紀錄。由10月21日起,網站會為同學重新計分歡迎同學登入網站,正式開始新學年的課程,溫故知新,挑戰自我!

The trial period for Math8 has ended on 21/10. All your scores and exercise records during the trial period have been cleared in the morning on 21/10. Scores obtained starting from 21/10 at 4:00 pm will be officially counted. We hope you will actively participate in the learning course to consolidate and test your knowledge.

2. 同學首次登入後,請緊記於「個人資料」填上家長電郵地址、以便網站能向同學和家長發放消息。

After you log in for the first time, please go to “My Info” and fill in your parent’s email address so we may deliver information about our website to all parties.

3. 同學如同時報讀了「數學8寶箱」及「常識8寶箱」課程,可於登入後按左下方的「常識8寶箱」按鈕直接進入「常識8寶箱」網站。

If you have enrolled in both Math8 and GS8 courses, you may click on the GS8 button at the bottom left corner to log in to the website directly.

4. 如家長或同學有任何查詢,歡迎致電2310 1343與我們聯絡。

If you have any enquiries, please contact us on 2310 1343.